MOJITOP.COM is just a group of friends rooted in Barcelona, who would like to contribute to improve the level of the mojitos in the city.
We like to do expeditions in the city, and sometimes we invite the blog followers.
If you have suggestions, you are more than welcome to share them with us too!
We like to "conquer" Bars, which means to visit them and evaluate their mojitos.
About barris, we often visit Gràcia, Poble Sec, Raval and Born, but we've also been to more exotic places like Eixample and Barceloneta.
To explore all the possibilities, we also try out different recipes for mojitos and their variations.
Also from time to time we'll report on curisities related to mojitos, like the mojitos we taste in other cities.
Interviews and stories about interesting people are in this blog.

22 June 2010

Mojito al Vinil - un ambient diferent, un mojito pse-pse

c/Matilde 2 (el que arriba des de Travessera a la plaça de la Vila de Gràcia pel costat Besòs)
Preu 7€

- Rom Pujol
- Sucre moreno
- 4 quarts de llima
- canyeta fosforita gran
- menta de "tupper"

El resultat és un mojito bastant fort, servit en un copa rodona, en taules amb discs de vinil pintats com a decoració.

Nota mitjana 6.42, avaluat per 4mojixp's i 2 mojibaby's

Resumint, el local està curios, la decoració i ambientació són agradables, però el mojito no mata. Potser millor anar a gaudir de l'ambient i tot plegat prenent una birra, que sempre és una aposta segura...

Seguim buscant bons mojitos a Gràcia!!

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