As we enter into December, it's time for some Christmas atmosphere. The lights mounted across Barcelona are ready to be lit, and the countdown towards the holidays has begun. Perhaps an ice-cold refreshing mojito is not what creates the most Xmas spirit. A few people on the web, however, present their solutions for a more holiday- centered mojito.
Armand Famiglietti presents The Classic Christmas Mojito that adds rum-soaked cranberries, together with orange and cranberry juice to the standard mojito mix. Sounds delicious!
Jenn at Cafe Gonelly adds the Christmas touch with pomegranate. However, it might be hard to find pomegranate 7UP here in Barcelona. Has anyone tasted it?
Let's see if our favourite bars in Barcelona add Christmas Mojito to their drink list this December. If you know where to get one, please let us know.
29 November 2009
16 November 2009
Bukowski - mojito bien hecho en bar simpático

Dirección: C/Margarit 35, Poble Sec
Valoración: 6,88
El Bukowski es un bar simpático de copas y tapas en Poble Sec. Hace poco pusieron mojitos en su carta. Fuimos para probarlos. Para haber empezado, salía bastante bien con mucho sabor de menta. Para el gusto de mojitop, la menta estaba un poco demasiado machacada (riesgo de salir con menta entre los dientes...). Y nos parecía faltar un toque de angostura.
Volveremos en unos meses para ver la evolución de los mojitos.
13 November 2009
Mojitos a El bar Boadas - està bé si hi trobes lloc
Adreça: C. Tallers num 1 (Raval, tocant a Rambles)

És un bar de còctels força conegut i pensàvem tastar els mojitos allí. El bar és petit però hi havia prou espai quan vam arribar-hi (suposo perquè hi vam anar d’hora).
El públic que freqüenta aquest bar tranquil sembla ser assenyat i potser una mica fatxenda com va mencionar algú. Vaig trobar que l’ambient és agradable i convida a prendre un bon còctel amb una bona conversa.
Els ingredients:
- Pulco
- Rom Caribean Club
- Gel gordo
- Tònica Schweppes
- Menta fresca
- Sucre
- Rom Caribean Club
- Gel gordo
- Tònica Schweppes
- Menta fresca
- Sucre
El got era petit i no quadrava amb la gran canya d’orxata. El mojito era bo i també ens van agradar els cacauets que hi havia amb la beguda. Vam valorar el mojito amb un 6.98 (3 mojiexperts i un babymoji).
Preu: 8 Euros.
11 November 2009
Mojitos al Dry Martini - amb "solera" i en safata
Adreça: Aribau 162 (cantonada Còrsega) Eixample Esquerre

- Preu 10 €
- Nota mitjana 7,8 (avaluat per 5 mojiexperts, 2 dels quals es van graduar justament allà)
Aquest bar que tant ha promociat el barman Javier de las Muelas, és definitavament un lloc d'aquells que en castellà es diu "con solera"....solera pija però solera: Els cambrers porten pajarites, hi ha un senyor que fa d'acomodador buscant lloc per seure al bar o guardant la tanda si està ple, et serveixen la copa en una safata....
-->I el mojito?
El mojito era clavat al que vam prendre al Gimlet, a Santaló, i és que són de la mateixa cadena.
Aquí algunes fotos: Com veureu el got i la presentació són clavadets al del Gimlet.
-->I el mojito?
El mojito era clavat al que vam prendre al Gimlet, a Santaló, i és que són de la mateixa cadena.
Aquí algunes fotos: Com veureu el got i la presentació són clavadets al del Gimlet.
![]() | ![]() |
També tenen un catàleg de Bacardi on s'anuncien els "Dry mojitos": mojitos de cafè, de fruites vermelles, de Kumquat (fruits cítrics petits), de gingebre, de shisho (menta asiática) y de fruita de la passió. Nosaltres ens vam limitar al clàssic, però. Si tasteu els altres, deixeu-nos algun comentari explicant què tal!
Pel preu i la descripció del servei us podeu imaginar que la mitjana d'edat és alta i l'ambient bastant pijo. És un lloc molt interessant, però, per canviar l'ambient de tant en tant. Ens va agradar que vam veure un parell de celebrities, també :-)
Pel preu i la descripció del servei us podeu imaginar que la mitjana d'edat és alta i l'ambient bastant pijo. És un lloc molt interessant, però, per canviar l'ambient de tant en tant. Ens va agradar que vam veure un parell de celebrities, també :-)
09 November 2009
Lletraferit revisited - good mojito, bad service...
By chance ,with a group of friends we were close to "El Raval" having dinner - so when we decided to go for a mojito, the choice was clear - let's go to "Lletraferit".
It was very surrealistic, and we only stayed because----i don't know, i guess we were a bit shocked and didn't react on time, but next time something like that happens to us we will all leave and then he'll have to start thinking of treating clients a bit better instead of threatening them with not serving their drinks when it's only their fault that they're super-slow.
So we did...
We even found place to sit, even if we were with a big group. And the mojito was good in the end. But there is a big big but.
The service there was REALLY bad. First of all, they didn't take our order - they gave us a piece of paper and a pen and we had to take it ourselves. That wouln't be that bad if then they hadn't taken almost half an hour to serve the cocktails.
And it got to even worse, when some people in the group decided to leave - they just joined for a quick drink and that wasn't going to happen - and they told the waiter to kill the order. Then he got extremely angry and said that precisely that cocktail was already ready and that if the rest of us wanted to get our drinks, we'd have to pay it anyway.
It was very surrealistic, and we only stayed because----i don't know, i guess we were a bit shocked and didn't react on time, but next time something like that happens to us we will all leave and then he'll have to start thinking of treating clients a bit better instead of threatening them with not serving their drinks when it's only their fault that they're super-slow.
Also we commented about the athmosphere of the place. This time we were sitting close to the door. And it was really bad. Smoke keeps building up in the place, and instead of having a good air extractor and ventilation as it is compulsory - they just opened the door. And i assure you it was really cold at night last saturday. So the effect was good because the air got fresher (it was extremely stinky before) and bad because we got really cold
All in all, a bad experience with a good mojito. Thank god we were there with a nice group of friends and we that we had fun even with this adverse environment.
Personally, i'm not going to repeat the trial @ Lletraferit, even if the mojito was good as ever. The mojito-quality is important - but it isn't everything you look for when you go out for a drink.
03 November 2009
Recomendaciones de Mojitop (Capítulo 2: según el barrio)

Desde mojitop, os recomandamos los siguientes bares:
- En el Gòtic: Polariod
- En el Eixample: Plata Bar
- En el Raval: Lletraferit
- En Gràcia: Amberes
- En el Poble Sec: Só-Ló Bar
- En la Ribera: Chico Chango
- El Born: Borneo
- En Santaló: Gimlet
- En la Vila Olímpica: Pez Plaza
- En Sants: Setè Cel
- En la Barceloneta: Absenta
02 November 2009
Sparkling up recipes: the mojito of the future
Once and again we have witnessed how the mojito trend is taking Barcelona bars by storm. If first came the pride of making the so-called "authentic mojitos" (which has several times proved to be difficult to find in this city), lately we have noticed how bars are sparkling up mojitos to offer new flavours to clients.
This can of course result in awful mixtures, but so far we have mostly encountered great surprises. Some of our favourite bars in Barcelona not only make superb classic recipes, but also master fruity ones. Great are the tasty-apple mojitos of Café Milans, the maracuya of the So-lo Bar or the incredible kiwi-flavoured (!) of our always favourite Polaroid .
Still there is much room left for playing around with the minty and lemonish recipe and we are very much looking forward to being surprised by creative bartenders in town. Need inspiration? the New Yorker Eben Freeman recently created, for the Bacardi Superior's rum launch, the "Mojito of the future"mdescribed as a thickened and sweeted rum with suspended pearls of mint and lime. Difficult to imagine? Check the video:
This can of course result in awful mixtures, but so far we have mostly encountered great surprises. Some of our favourite bars in Barcelona not only make superb classic recipes, but also master fruity ones. Great are the tasty-apple mojitos of Café Milans, the maracuya of the So-lo Bar or the incredible kiwi-flavoured (!) of our always favourite Polaroid .
Still there is much room left for playing around with the minty and lemonish recipe and we are very much looking forward to being surprised by creative bartenders in town. Need inspiration? the New Yorker Eben Freeman recently created, for the Bacardi Superior's rum launch, the "Mojito of the future"mdescribed as a thickened and sweeted rum with suspended pearls of mint and lime. Difficult to imagine? Check the video:
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